Midwest Dental Center Blog

5 Oral Hygiene Practices You Shouldn’t Skip (& Why!)

December 26, 2024

Woman smiling while flossing teeth

Be honest… Is your dental care regimen not really a regimen at all? If so, that’s okay – there’s no time like the present to see where improvements can be made to keep your teeth decay-free and your gums infection-free. If you’re not quite sure where to start, then keep reading to learn five oral hygiene practices you shouldn’t skip and why!


3 Factors You Should Consider Before Buying Dental Insurance

December 10, 2024

person filling out paperwork

Dental insurance is known for its complexities and challenges. Its verbiage can be difficult to navigate for most individuals, and attempting to compare plans can leave a person more confused than ever. However, investing in this type of safety net is crucial should you require invasive, complex, and expensive dental care at any point. If you have yet to purchase a plan, it’s important not to jump on the first one you see. Instead, consider these 3 factors before you decide to buy.


What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

November 21, 2024

A smiling woman at the dentist’s office

You may have heard the term cosmetic dentistry before, but maybe you’re not really sure what it encompasses. Cosmetic dentistry is an umbrella term that covers an assortment of different elective dental procedures that are designed to improve the appearance of your smile. Because these treatments may not be considered necessary like a filling or a root canal might be, your dental insurance may not cover them, however there are some cases where they may. Here’s a more detailed look at some of the procedures that fall under the category of cosmetic dentistry, and how they can help you.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Bring Out Your Youth

November 14, 2024

Woman smiling in the dental chair

If you aren’t happy with your smile when you look in the mirror, you don’t need to settle for it. There are various cosmetic solutions available to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. In addition to improving the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help to bring out some of your youthfulness. Here are some of the ways cosmetic dentistry can make you look younger.


Crown Comparisons: Is a Same-Day Restoration Right for Me?

October 11, 2024

CEREC dental crown in milling machine

Your dentist likely recommended a dental crown if you have a severely damaged tooth or have undergone a root canal procedure. These tooth-shaped caps can protect damaged teeth, restore their functionality, and enhance the appearance of your smile.

Historically, these prosthetics have been custom-built by special dental laboratories. However, thanks to more recent advancements in technology and materials, many dentists today offer same-day dental crowns using CEREC technology. If you’re struggling to choose an appropriate restoration, you might wonder which option is best for you. Continue reading to learn about 3 key differences between them to make an informed decision!


Everything You Need to Know About Dental Insurance Deductibles

September 13, 2024

Dental insurance underlined in blueDental insurance is a great investment because it allows you to keep your teeth and gums healthy for minimal out-of-pocket costs. Your premiums give you access to a nationwide network of dental professionals, allowing you to benefit from reduced rates for the services you need to achieve optimal oral health. However, dental insurance can be confusing, especially when it comes to your deductible. Here’s what you need to know to maximize your dental insurance.


Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

August 12, 2024

Ceramic dental crowns on blue backgroundIf your dentist has recommended a dental crown to protect a compromised tooth, there’s nothing to fear. You don’t have to worry about a painful day in the dentist’s chair. Your comfort will always be their top priority. When choosing a dentist who offers the latest technologies and treatments, you’ll benefit from superior results without compromising your comfort. Here’s what you can expect when getting your restoration.


Will Dental Insurance Cover My Cosmetic Services?

July 13, 2024

Patient talking to a dentist

Cosmetic dentistry is capable of doing incredible things for the look and feel of your smile, affording you a new confidence in yourself. The treatments are generally quick, easy, and can make stunning changes, which is part of why their popularity has risen in recent years.

If you’re interested in getting aesthetic dental care, you might wonder whether your insurance would be willing to reimburse you for these treatments. Here’s what you should know.


A Parent’s Guide to Fluoride: Is it Safe for Young Children?

June 14, 2024

Child high-fiving their dentist after fluoride treatment

Ensuring your child’s dental health is a top priority for parents, and fluoride often plays a significant role in this. However, many parents wonder how early they can begin to introduce fluoride treatments into their routine. Is it safe for younger children or is it best to hold off until they’re older? Read on to explore the facts about fluoride and its safety for kids.


String Saga: A History of Dental Floss

March 12, 2024

Birds eye view of dental floss and flossers on a light blue background

If you’re reading this, you probably already know that flossing twice daily is an important part of your daily dental hygiene routine. It removes harmful bacteria and plaque buildup from between your teeth and along your gums to prevent dental issues like decay or disease.

Did you know, however, that dental floss has a long and fascinating history? Thoroughly cleaning your smile to keep it safe hasn’t always been as simple or convenient as it is in our world today. If you’re interested, keep reading to learn more about it!
