If you’re going to get dental implants, you likely feel excited. That’s only reasonable – these prosthetics are the gold standard of tooth replacement! However, you probably have some concerns as well. In particular, you may want to know what happens after dental implant surgery. Getting such details would let you manage things more smoothly. Well, your Midwest City dentist is here to put your mind at ease. Read on to learn four post-op questions about dental implants and their respective answers.
“Can I Drive Myself Home After Treatment?”
One obvious question is whether you can drive home after implant surgery. Depending on its answer, a patient might need to alter their schedule in response.
Simply put, you shouldn’t drive once your surgery is over. It’ll take a few hours for your treatment’s sedative effects to fade. During that time, you’re too dizzy to operate heavy machinery well. As such, you’ll want to have a friend or loved one take you home. You should be well enough to drive again once the first 24 hours after surgery pass.
“Will My Recovery Be Painful?”
You may fear that recovery from implant surgery is painful. Truthfully, though, there’s no reason to worry – healing from treatment isn’t that uncomfortable.
You see, post-op pain from implant work is minimal. Any aches you feel once the anesthetic fades are dull at best. Therefore, you can manage the discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers. Ideal examples are acetaminophen and ibuprofen. (Name-brand versions of these medicines include Tylenol and Advil.)
“How Quickly Can I Resume Normal Activities?”
Maybe you’re eager to return to everyday life after implant surgery. Still, how quickly you can do so depends on your average day.
If you typically only do light activities, you won’t need long to return to your “normal.” You can resume your ordinary schedule as soon as you feel up to it. In fact, you might be ready as soon as the day after surgery.
In contrast, you should wait a while if your “normal” is fairly strenuous. It’d be best to hold off on vigorous activities for at least three days. Otherwise, you might put your implants at risk.
“How Long is the Overall Recovery?”
Naturally, knowing how long recovery from implant surgery takes is helpful. Even so, the exact timing tends to vary. Different body parts heal at different rates, after all.
For example, consider the surgical site(s). Gums usually need a few weeks to heal from implant surgery. Once that period is over, the most they’ll feel is some slight tenderness. (That said, you may attend a follow-up with your dentist to confirm you’re healing well.)
In contrast, actual implant fusion takes roughly 3-6 months. Your new teeth need this time to stabilize and become fully secure. Fortunately, you can speed up this process by following dentist instructions.
By learning the questions and answers above, you’ll know what to expect after dental implant surgery. So, go ahead and memorize them before your treatment!
About the Practice
Midwest City Dental Center is based in Midwest City, OK. Led by Dr. Steven Kendrick, our practice is truly devoted to providing effective dentistry. We thus offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental services. That means we’re a trustworthy source of dental restorations, including high-quality dental implants! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (405)-732-0431.