December 26, 2024

Woman smiling while flossing teeth

Be honest… Is your dental care regimen not really a regimen at all? If so, that’s okay – there’s no time like the present to see where improvements can be made to keep your teeth decay-free and your gums infection-free. If you’re not quite sure where to start, then keep reading to learn five oral hygiene practices you shouldn’t skip and why!


December 10, 2024

person filling out paperwork

Dental insurance is known for its complexities and challenges. Its verbiage can be difficult to navigate for most individuals, and attempting to compare plans can leave a person more confused than ever. However, investing in this type of safety net is crucial should you require invasive, complex, and expensive dental care at any point. If you have yet to purchase a plan, it’s important not to jump on the first one you see. Instead, consider these 3 factors before you decide to buy.
