There are a lot of things you wish you could spend more time on. Prime examples might be friends and family. You wish there was more time for your hobbies, and you probably wish you could spend more time just relaxing. Something you’d probably want to spend less time on is getting your broken tooth fixed. It needs to happen, but you aren’t about to take 2 weeks and 2 visits to get it done. What can you do though? Dr. Steven Kendrick, your dentist in Midwest City, can save your precious time with one-visit CEREC crowns.
What Are CEREC Crowns?
Whenever your tooth has become extensively damaged, one of the most secure ways to repair it is with a crown. This restoration simply fits over the top of the remaining tooth, enabling it to look and operate like normal. CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, or Ceramic Reconstruction. It enables us at Midwest Dental Center to give you a crown in a fraction of the time it takes at other practices. The use of advanced design technology enables us to do this. Rather than taking an impression of your mouth using messy materials, an image of it is taken by a highly-advanced 3D scanner. Nothing actually has to go into your mouth. This image is then put into a CAD/CAM program that can use it to create your crown virtually. The crown can actually be fabricated using our in-house milling machine, and then be quickly placed into your mouth. The crown itself is made of a durable porcelain material, which enables it to replicate a tooth in both form and function.
CEREC Crowns vs. Traditional Crowns
CEREC crowns give you the best of everything in that they can save you time and give you a better result. A normal crown would usually take 2 visits with at least a week in between, allowing an outside lab to actually make your crown. CEREC crowns are all done in the office in one visit that usually takes about an hour. The result is better as well because the 3D scan of your tooth, along with the CAD/CAM technology, creates a more accurate model of your tooth to build your crown on. It will fit better, and therefore be more comfortable and last longer. The porcelain material is also better looking and longer lasting than traditional metal crowns.
How Can I Get a CEREC Crown?
If you are interested in getting your tooth fixed in one visit, then please come see us at Midwest Dental Center. Dr. Kendrick will then be able to examine you and see if a CEREC crown is what your smile needs. There’s no need to wait to repair your damaged tooth, so give us a call today.