When you purchase dental insurance, you’re essentially paying for a list of services ahead of time so you can easily utilize them on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many people who purchase dental insurance never get the chance to maximize their benefits. In fact, a study from the American Dental Association found the average person with a $1,250 annual maximum only utilized $323 per year. That’s over $900 going to waste when your dental insurance expires.
To maximize your benefits, take note of these tips from a dentist in Midwest City!
Dental Insurance is Use It or Lose It
For most dental insurance plans, the benefits you pay for are not able to be carried over into the next year. Essentially, dental insurance you bought at the beginning of the year will expire on January 1st. For this reason, it’s important to think about what treatment you may need and scheduling them either in the spring, summer, or fall seasons. The closer you get towards the end of the year, the more difficult it’s going to be to schedule time with the dentist.
Thankfully, many treatments that dental insurance covers will help pay for as much as 80 to 100 percent of the cost. Plus, these treatments are typically easy to have completed in just a single appointment. In many cases, your treatment plan can also be carried into the next year, you’ll just need to schedule the start of that treatment before December 31st.
How to Start Maximizing Dental Insurance
Maximizing your dental insurance starts with understanding what treatments you need. For example, think back to when your last dental cleaning or exam was and go from there. If you have a family dental plan, think back to the last time one of your family members had an appointment. Does your child need dental sealants or a fluoride varnish to protect their developing mouth?
Once you know what treatments you need, contact your dental insurance company or speak with an employee at the practice that focuses on coordinator treatments and handling insurance. They’re likely to know all the details of your plan and can help you maximize your benefits that way. If you have multiple extensive treatments to complete, they can also help you stagger your treatments to include your current and upcoming benefits into the following year.
Why Preventive Treatments Make a Difference
When you make an effort to utilize dental benefits for preventive care, you aren’t just getting your teeth and gums cleaned and maintained now. You’re also reducing the risk of a dental emergency happening later, as dental hygienists and dentists are always looking for early signs of disease during your cleaning.
Furthermore, restorative and emergency treatments are always more expensive than preventive options, so it’s actually more cost-effective to visit the dentist regularly rather than waiting for a problem to appear.
Ready to maximize your dental insurance? Schedule an appointment before the end of the year!
About the Author
Dr. Steven Kendrick earned his DDS degree from the Oklahoma University College of Dentistry. His team, along with his treatment coordinator Robin, are fully prepared to help you maximize your dental benefits and get the treatment you need. To learn more about his practice, you can contact him through his website.